Scott Hampton

  • Directed and led projects leading to over thirty 510(k), PMA, and NDA approvals in drug delivery, ophthomalogy, dental, cosmetics, emergency medicine, obstetrics, oncology, and diabetes.

  • Clients have included Intarcia, ElectroMedical Systems, Anteis, CIBA Vision, STAAR Surgical, Schwind Eye-Tech, Novartis, Clinton Health Initiative, Exsurco, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, Ophtha International, Solo Health, Glenveigh Medical, Duckworth & Kent, Helsinn Pharma, Myelotec, Norwood Eye-Care, and many other firms ranging from concept-phase startups through multinationals.

  • Led brand licensing for Tropic Isle Living (2023), with terms satisfactory to the owners. Starting in January 2020, well before most business leaders were considering the possibility of a pandemic: solidified and then twice re-built supply chains, establishing direct imports, and rationalizing manufacturing. This allowed the company to grow retail distribution by a factor of five. Expanded the business to include contract manufacturing and white-label. Hired great people so that a smaller team could be more deliverable.

  • Startups: $7.4 million raised in angel and seed rounds for USA and EU entrepreneurs.

  • Various complex new factory or new product line IQ/OQ/PQ/Ver/Val programs with large and small teams.

  • Advise boards and executives, either coaching or in reporting roles, on business growth and objectives and execution.

    (CV available on request)