Kimberly Hawkes
Conceptualized, planned and executed over twenty five significant process automation projects in ophthalmology, diabetes, drug delivery, and medication dispensing.
Clients have included CIBA Vision, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Roche Diagnostics, Artromick/ CAPSA Healthcare, PAXIT Automation, Remedi SeniorCare, Safecor Health, Safecor Medical, Intarcia Therapeutics among others.
Turned around a startup medication dispensing business, secured ten times the requested amount of capital for expansion.
Developed and executed business plans, operational processes, standard operating procedures, and process qualifications for multiple startups from greenfield status.
Developed and executed numerous IQ/OQ/PQ/ Ver/ Val programs for complex and simple processes.
Innovative process improvement techniques developed/ implemented to achieve customer goals.
(CV available upon request)